Monday, June 18, 2012

Wow, when I made this blog for school, I really thought I would keep up with it.  Ha!  I forgot I had even made a new Blog.  I won't even attempt to summarize from February to June, except to say that I got an A in my class, and I got an A- in my next class, and I'm taking a class now where I have an A average.

School has definitely had an impact on my life, I have to be more responsible about my time and try to get all my work done.  I am, however, the worst procrastinator.  Most of my assignments are due on Sunday.  Guess when I'm doing them?  Yep, 10 PM on Sunday.  I know this is not going to work for me all the time, I'm sure I'll get caught without enough time or prep one of these Sundays, and I'll be sorry.  But, even though I have all As so far, I am ok with getting a B or even B- if it's because I had to prioritize family, home, or work over school.  My goal is balance, and with that goal, I may not be able to be a straight-A student.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hang on . . .

Today was a CRAZY day at work, all my projects blowing up on me, a to-do list that didn't get ta-done. Oh, well, what can you do? I did get some paperwork done after dinner - and that was a big step. Dinner you say? Well, tonight was no gourmet meal either - shake and bake pork chops, pierogies, and roasted asparagus - simple, but yummy!

Tomorrow is Friday - yeah! And my friend has invited us over for dinner, so no cooking for me. Now that's a great plan for a Friday, get your friends to cook :-)

These days, in addition to work, school, children, husband, home, reading, friends, cooking, cleaning, and extended family, I am following the politics of the day. How can you not with the reality show call the Republican debates on???? Seriously, today I'm angry about the controversy that shouldn't be a controversy - birth control. Really America? This is what you have to get upset about? It just scares me that there are still people out there that think that a) women shouldn't use birth control, and b) if they do - their insurance shouldn't pay for it. I think we should make all the men in Washington pay for all the unwanted children in this country - child support for all - we can make a "save the children" like set up, except the men would HAVE to pick a child, not just think about it . . .

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hump Day!

Working mom tip for tonight: You can cook the On-cor frozen entree for 10 minutes straight on high and it will be done - this saves you the second 8 minute cooking time :-) Yes, another gourmet meal from the working mom. Actually, the frozen chicken parm with pasta and a vegetable is on the rotation. The truth is, you have to have a couple of these stand-by meals to fit into the schedule. And, heck - it's not fast food. At least we sat around the dinner table and shared a meal.

Last night when I was making soup (from the turkey left overs), I noticed something funny about the carrots:

Don't these look like the perfect snowman noses? I figure since we haven't had much snow, we have a glut of snowman nose shaped carrots.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Tuesdays are the worst day of the week for me. Monday, well - you can understand why you are off kilter on Monday, although I should be used to it by now. But Tuesday is the day that you realize that you have another 4 days of work left. On Mondays, my mom makes dinner for us, so I don't have to cook! Tuesdays I do, and even though I do enjoy cooking, it is another thing for me to do on Tuesday. I have a cleaning lady - she comes on Wednesdays, so Tuesday night is spent picking up as much as I can to make cleaning a little easier.

Tonight we had leftovers from the turkey dinner we had on Sunday - an easy night as Tuesdays go!